
The Colorado Office of Sustainability

The Office was established in January 2024 in the Department of Personnel & Administration to work across State government to lead by example on environmentally sustainable government facilities and operations to reduce pollution from State government, create a cleaner Colorado for future generations, and save taxpayers money. 

Executive Orders

Governor Polis signed Executive Order D 2023 03 to green State government and find opportunities to reduce energy and water consumption in state buildings. The Executive Order created the Office of Sustainability to advise and support State capital planning, procurement, and operations. The Office of Sustainability furthers the State’s greening government practices by providing leadership and accountability on sustainability metrics and efforts.

Executive Order D 2022 016 outlined greening government goals in greenhouse gas emissions, energy use, renewable energy consumption, and water use. Executive Order D 2022 016 also directed State agencies to pursue numerous sustainability efforts, including cost-effective energy management strategies, fleet electrification, water efficiency improvements in buildings and landscaping, and environmentally preferred purchasing policies.

SB24-214 charges the Office to coordinate and assist State agencies in ongoing sustainability initiatives, including, but not limited to, water reduction initiatives, energy efficiency in buildings, transition to electric lawn equipment, and coordination of electric vehicle charging infrastructure. 

State Capitol Building